
complètement, adv.

ānunga/ǣninga/āningaǣghwæs æltǣwlīce be eallum be fullanclǣne/clāne/clēne clǣnlīce > a.m. cleanly ♦ dēope/dīope > a.m. deep ♦ dēoplīce/dīoplīce > a.m. deeply, v.s. dioplīko ♦ eall ealle(s)(e)allunga/e(a)llenga/eallinga/eællenge, eallnungeendemes(t)/ændemes(t)/emdenes/emdemes fæste/feste, v.n. fast, v.h.a. fasto > all.m. fast ♦ fæstlīce/festlīce forinlīce forinweardlīce forswīþeforþearlīce fulgear(w)e/fulgerefullfremedlīce fullīce > a.m. fully, v.h.a. follīcho > all.m. völlig ♦ fullmedomlīce fullunga gear(e)we/ge(a)re/gearu(we)/gearo, v.s. garo ♦ gene(a)hhe genōg/genōh > a.m. enough, got. ganōhs, v.n. (g)nógr, v.h.a. ginuog > all.m. genug ♦ grunding(l)a inweardlīce > a.m. inwardly ♦ lungre mid ealle mid eallumonwealglīce/anwealglīce samod/somod/samed, got. samaþ, v.n. samt, v.h.a. samant > all.m. samt, v.s. samad/samod ♦ swīþe, v.s. swīđo, swīthe ♦ swīþost te(o)la/t(e)ala/tila/telo/tiolo drȳgumþurh ūt > a.m. throughout, v.h.a. durchaus ♦ þurh ūtlīce ūtlīce wel > a.m. well, got. waila, v.n. vel, v.h.a. wela/wola > all.m. wohl, v.s. wel, wel ♦ welhwæs. plus complètement furþor/furþur/forþor > a.m. further, v.s. furđor, firthor/furdur ♦ uttor.